St Matthew's Primary Little Lever broken into
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St Matthew's Primary Little Lever broken into

May 26, 2023

Yobs broke into a primary school stealing a fire extinguisher.

St Matthew's Primary School in Little Lever was broken into on Sunday police say.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) confirmed that the school reported the incident to them on Monday afternoon.

As well as the extinguisher being stolen, a video of people in the school hall has surfaced on social media.

A spokesperson for Greater Manchester Police said: "It was reported to us on June 26 at around 1.50pm.

The smashed walking frame on Mytham Park (Image: Sean Hornby)

"The only thing that appeared to be stolen was a fire extinguisher at 5pm on June 25.

"It also says a video was posted on Snapchat at the school hall."

Anti social behaviour also reportedly occurred at nearby Mytham Park in the village, with a fire extinguisher being set off.

It is believed to be linked.

Former Little Lever ward councillor Sean Hornby said: "I spoke with the PCSOs in Little Lever on Tuesday morning, I also went over to the old health centre to have a look around and make sure it hadn't been there, but it hadn't been touched.

"It was definitely at St Matthew's School. From what I am hearing, they have names and suspects that have been passed on.

More of the walking frame (Image: Sean Hornby)

"One of them was stupid enough to put it on Snapchat.

"Sometimes the public want to pass information on but don't want to get involved."

He added: "The police are following up with inquiries.

"Obviously, disruption has been caused to the school. I think one of the fire extinguishers was let off in Mytham Park, with anti social behaviour being seen there.

"There is an old bike there that has been smashed up and an old walking frame that has been smashed up. They weren't there before."

Anyone who has any concerns call police on 101 or 999 in the event of an emergency.

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St Matthew's Primary SchoolMytham Park